Memory verse:-"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because
of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them
out of his country.” God also said to Moses, "I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham,
to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make
myself known to them. I also established my covenant with them to give them the land
Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant.
"Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under
the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem
you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my
own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your
God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. And I will bring you
to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will
give it to you as a possession. I am the Lord.’” Moses reported this to the Israelites,
but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.”
Despite the pain and the hopeless situation that the Israelites found themselves God was still sending words of hope and deliverance to them. They saw those words as impossible because the more God spoke the more the labor increased.
There are a lot of things that God has said concerning our lives and the present miserable-situation seems not to change in any way. However, it seems somewhat true that for us the goodness of God remains theory and not practical as happened in the days of Abraham, Isaac etc. God does not deceive because He is not like us mere mortals, whatever that He has said He will do. For you it may be over but for God it is not over, your problem is not the first or the last or the biggest problem that has ever appeared. No! God is bigger than your problem and He is the alpha and the omega not your problem. It is not over until God says so take courage and hope in the Lord.
Prayer:-pray against the spirit of hopelessness and joylessness
pray for revival in your Christianity and in your family unity
In your prayer celebrate the Lord for the great things He is about to do
What to meditate on:
What personal testimony do you have to show that with God all things are possible?