Memory verse- "And God said "Let there be light and there was light. God saw that the light was
good and he separated the light from the darkness”
Light is good in every situation. It is sad that a blind man never sees light only darkness. If we are spiritually blind then we
are even worst than a man who is physically blind. But God’s love for humanity is seen in his provision for the greatest light
of the world which is Jesus. Jesus is the light of this world without him our life is full of darkness. We need Jesus first before
everything we wish for. First thing first they say, and we also need the insight to know him the more.
Prayer: -pray that nothing can separate you from Jesus.
-pray for insight in knowing jesus the more
-mention three people you know who do not know Jesus that God will open their eyes to see the light (Jesus)
What to meditate on:
How will you explain to unbeliever that Jesus is the light of this world?