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                                                          TOPIC: PRODUCTIVITY IS OF THE LORD


Memory verse-"Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation seed-bearing plants and trees on the
                    land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds,” and it was so. The
                    land produced vegetation; plants bearing seed according to their kinds and tress bearing
                    fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good, and there
                    was evening, and there was morning-the third day
                                                                                                                                -Gen 1:11-12  
Every productivity is a result of a given seed, seed that only God can give. Seed here can be knowledge or information; it
can be your working capital; power to evangelize etc. However, the knowledge or information you have must be productive
in benefiting not only you but many people. God has given every Christian the seed-power to evangelize and we must use it
to ensure productivity in God’s kingdom. Even your children are seed; they suppose to be productive in thought and deed
so as to impact positively unto their generation. That is why we need to train children in the way of the Lord so that when
they grow they will not depart from it. The God that we serve is a God of productivity, he likes increase in every area of our


Prayer:-pray for increase in your knowledge, wisdom and finance.

            -pray for increase in your church


What to meditate on:

Do you think you are satisfied with the increase you see in your finance, if "yes” or "no” what are you going to do to help the
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