Memory verse:-"Moses answered, "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord
did not appear to you’?” Then the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?”
"A staff,” he replied. The Lord said, "Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the
ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. Then the Lord said to him, "Reach
out your hand and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the
snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand. "This,” said the Lord, "is so that they
may believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you.”
When God sent Moses He gave him His name (I AM THAT I AM) and sings/miracles. Whenever God assigns a person to His work He still gives these two things to prove His existence and supremacy. In this New Testament times we have the name of Christ Jesus and his supernatural power to trample over evil devices. The name Jesus guarantees our victory, joy and hope if we use it in righteousness.
Prayer:-pray in Jesus name that the power of this name will protect you, and bring you testimony of your expectations
pray that God will give you miracle that will prove to the devil and people that you are on the Lord’s side
What to meditate on:
What is a miracle (reason from biblical perspective)?