Memory verse:-"After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, "Send me on my way so I can
go back to my own homeland. Give me my wives and children, for whom I have served
you, and I will be on my way. You know how much work I’ve done for you.” But
Laban said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by
divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.” He added, "Name your wages,
and I will pay them.”
Jacob said to him, "You know how I have worked for you and how your livestock has
fared under my care. The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord
has blessed you wherever I have been. But now, when may I do something for my own
household?” "What shall I give you?” he asked.
"Don’t give me anything,” Jacob replied. "But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go
on tending your flocks and watching over them: Let me go through all your flocks today
and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and
every spotted or speckled goat. They will be my wages. And my honesty will testify for
me in the future, whenever you check on the wages you have paid me. Any goat in my
possession that is not speckled or spotted, or any lamb that is not dark-colored, will be
considered stolen.”
Remember that Jacob was carrying double blessings; the blessing of birthright and blessing of God. Yet he was serving under his uncle, the uncle was benefiting too much from the blessings more than him. He Jacob came to his sense that things ought to change, and then he thought of a plan.
Blessings do not always work automatically; mostly they become active when proper plans are laid down. There are some people who are blessed yet they are suffering because they fail to plan. As they say failing to plan is planning to fail. God has given us the ‘mind’ for our welfare and it should be used correctly. Wrong mentality cannot bring out the blessings. You are blessed, let your mind work and start to experience God’s abundance blessings.
Prayer:-pray for God’s directions in your planning
pray for the strength to implement your plans
What to meditate on:
Are you bless, is your life a true reflection of the blessing?