Dr. Osei, the author, noted that to uphold and defend the moral standard of the present and future generations, we are left with no option than looking back to the good old virtues and values or way of life which are now called salvage for no good reason. This will highly contribute to the creating of avenue to inculcate into the young generation the most character of choice. He has combined the power of morality with warfare. With this he asserted, in this book, that "…a father's wisdom and experience are his children's great heritage and source of achievement. Nevertheless, it is clearly observed that for some irrelevant reasons some people find it difficult to become servants for a while when it is necessary. But being a servant for a while is not a curse in disguise, rather becoming a master over night goes with difficulties.” Taking time toread this book carefully will help readers in no small way.
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In this book, Dr. Osei, points to the fact that marriage is the busiest ladder on which many people are ascending and many are descending. It will either connect a person to the top of his destiny or bring him down. Truth can not be altered or civilized and it stands that there are some core and undeniable facts concerning marriage that youths of today unfortunately loose sight of and they eventually cost us greatly. Such issues have to be discussed not just by the so-called marriage experts as many people adhere to. Call this book ‘My Book of Marriage Reference’; it contains must-read facts of marriage, though the author is not married. He refutes the opinion that people ought to marry before they can really obtain some key knowledge of marriage.
Marriage is a destiny and not an idea, it is a blessing from which every person ought to enjoy and not a mistake that every man is bound to commit. This book is for everybody; the adolescent, the unmarried-youths and the married couples. Be mindful that, what you are ignorant of may scare you from marriage, or spoil your marriage or limit you and your family from the blessings of God.History does not make a man; it is men that make history. The message of this book is to help you make history with your marriage. This book is for you, get it!
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This book is one of the eye opening literatures that a person can find in the market. It advances on the view that 'best school' does not exist in the four corners of a school's campus (or faculty of a specific subject) but rather exists in the mind(faculty) of the living beings that God has created. However, literacy is our right, illiteracy is a choice, and getting a formal-school certificate is somewhat a chance. It uses the life of some key personalities like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Banneker and Benjamin Franklin to buttress this asserted notion. Again, this book "Drop the Limitation” advances on the view that we human beings are not body with a mind but a mind with a body. With this in mind, 'superiority' is not a man-made phenomenon but rather the birthright of every man. The author, Dr. Osei, further reveals the mystery behind the clenched fist and for that matter asserted that 'blessing' is not a guarantee for battle-free life. Interestingly, he discussed the difference between wisdom and intelligence, and wisdom and understanding.
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In as much as issues that are fundamental and relevant to theology and religion have attracted massive attention over the years and are discussed from different areas, for instance from philosophical, psychological, religious, traditional, and even scientific perspectives. The contents of this book are, primarily, to allow the scriptures to speak for it self. It is not about what humanity thinks or believes but what God says through the Bible. It is worthy of note that in spirituality good, nice or reasonable assertions are not legitimate and reliable if they lack the approval of the scriptures. Apostle Peter asserted that, "…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have… ”-1Peter 3:15. Readers of this book will be able to, through the messages of this book, school themselves about the reality of the Godhead, the reality of miracles, the need for celebrating the Godhead, the contemporary perspective of Christianity and the myth about Christianity. This is a book that every Christian needs in order to add value to the hope s/he have in Jesus, the Christ of God.
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